Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Let Us Pray to God: Day 25

            We in the United States of America are now facing an unprecedented crisis in the healthcare system. We are in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Over 40 million people are unemployed. States, cities, and local communities are still struggling to overcome institutionalized racism. Communities of color are more likely to experience police brutality and to die from coronavirus Institutional discrimination and injustice are very much a part of modern America. Consequently, some of the frustrated people have decided to take action by retaliation with violence and looting. These actions have hurt and destroyed peaceful protestors’ goodwill and warm hearts. America needs freedom and equality in every individual person. We all seek for peace and harmony. This is a transitional period to destroy the delusion of humanity and reveal the dawn of a new and improved society. We need more prayer and actions to prevail over the negative past and bring forth a new world. Now is the most important time to practice God’s Love and the Four Immeasurable Minds of the Buddha.
            Every morning let us visualize the True-Image World by practicing the Prayer for World Peace and the following “Words to Pray for Peace” during Shinsokan Meditation. If you already practice Shinsokan every day, please add this prayer. If you do not practice daily, it is the time to practice it and focus your thoughts on these words of prayer that I shared yesterday.

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