Wednesday, March 18, 2020

All life Comes from the Universal Life: Day 15

            On March 16, President Donald Trump recommended social gatherings be limited to 10 people or less. Restaurants and pubs have closed their doors and some are open only for pick-up. Office workers are asked to work from home if they can. Today, Governor Cuomo announced that no business can have more than 50% of their workforce report for work outside of the home. Because of this, I will work at home starting tomorrow. There were very few people on the street in Manhattan and Grand Central Terminal today. It will be like a ghost town tomorrow.
            Many people may think that coronavirus is the worst enemy of humanity. Some people even likened the current situation as another world war, but viruses or microorganisms also have the life that comes from God. Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi wrote, “As we now visualize the True Image of existence, we see that the life of all living things, even to the smallest microorganism, is an outpouring of God’s life. As long as they have life, all forms of life are expressions of God. Thus no virus, bacteria, fungus, or protozoa can ever invade man and cause him to fall ill. The belief that man comes under attack by microorganisms and falls ill is nothing but a dream, nothing but an illusion.” (Truth of Life magazine, June 2000)

            In nature, diversity is essential, and many different components work together in the web of life so that everything operates like clockwork. If you remove the given pieces, it no longer functions, and the whole structure collapses. Human beings, however, have been killing many species for their own comfort and convenience. The majority of us do not realize it and some are still killing these species. We must stop it. This is not a virus attack but we have been cutting our own life’s web by our own greed. If we learn from nature and practice a way of life to live together with nature, we will be able to change our world.

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