Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Live As Normal As Possible: Day 8 (3/11/2020)

The city of New Rochelle appears most frequently on the news in New York. My home is located right next to the city of New Rochelle probably within a few houses away. The news calls this city, "cluster." It is as if an epicenter of an earthquake. The state government, the Governor, and the Mayor are doing whatever they can do or should do to prevent expanding coronavirus. It's a good idea to be as cautious as possible and we should avoid fear and panic. As long as I know many people are dealing with it using their wisdom and lead quite normal lives.
            Yesterday when I came home by train, many people got off at New Rochelle Station. People have to work, and their lives continue in any situation. If we are panicked or scared and emotionally upset, our situations will become worse. We need to know updated information through the news, but the news should be carefully broadcasted. It should not sway people's emotional fear. At the same time, we who watch news also be careful to not be fearful but just accept the necessary information and live our regular lives as normal as possible. Let us continue reading the Holy Sutras and Songs of Praise daily.

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