Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Do Not Practice Empty Power of Word: Day 14

            Some people encourage to practice positive thinking and other people denied saying it does not work. Even some of them believe the power of words and the power of the mind but sometimes doubt positive thinking because they only practice empty words.

            Our minds have the power to create our destinies. When you can change your mind, you can change your life. How can we change our minds? We must use the power of positive words. The positive word with emotion has power but without emotion does not work. A person who was told that she needs to be grateful to her husband and practice to say that he is a good person repeatedly, then her husband would become a good person. She said repeatedly that her husband was a good person and also chanted “thank you very much” many times. Every day she checked if her husband was changed or not, and he became worse. She claimed that positive words' chanting did not work. Her practice, of course, did not work because she totally believed that her husband was a bad person and tried to change him by using positive words. In other words, what she truly believed appeared.
            In order to receive good fortune, our minds need to be prepared because the phenomenal world is unfolded in accordance with our thoughts. You may say that a person is fortunate, but his good fortune actually comes from his prepared. Therefore, he was ready to receive good fortune. Rev. Masaharu Taniguchi wrote: “Napoleon boasted, ‘Do you think I am lucky? I create my own luck.’ This may be true for a person whose mind is well prepared, but if said by a person who is not mentally prepared, it is a foolish and irresponsible utterance.”
            Our mind creates our destiny. Rev. Taniguchi said that it is a foolish and irresponsible utterance if we use positive words without our mind’s preparation. He continued, “Laws permeate the universe, and to grasp the opportunity is to utilize the laws. Law exists in the universe even if the mind is not prepared. When man is mentally prepared, however, he will be able not only to fly into the sky but to explore the entire universe. The study of science is, in essence, for the preparation of the mind.” (Truth of Life December 2002)
            To use the positive words we must totally believe in them. If you use positive words to change about your husband or child, you must completely believe that he is a good, excellent person mentally and emotionally. Do not repeat empty positive words without emotion. Practice positive words with your strong emotion and belief that he is a very good person. When you truly feel that way, he will appear before you as a good husband or child.

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